Saturday 7 April 2012

My grandfather!

I was sitting in the car pampering my ears with some soothing music and eating vegetable sandwiches made by my mother. After four years I was going to be in my hometown midst the lush green trees and enveloped by the fragrances of freshly planted orchards. What excited me more was being with my grandparents the entire summer! A distinct sense of comfort envelops me when I am with my grandparents. Unlike my parents, they do not shout at me or nag me all the time.
When I stepped out of the car and offloaded my luggage, the sight that i saw wasn't the same that used to greet me a couple of years ago. The lush greenery was nowhere to be seen and the orchards had wilted away. I walked up to my grandmother and asked her "What happened to all that was here a few years ago?" 
"Everything gone, who has the energy?" She half smiled, the pain in her eyes was clearly visible.

My grandfather then greeted me with open arms. I was surprised to see him so frail and weak. His shoulders were drooping down and that cheerful enthusiastic smile had faded away. I wondered how things changed in a matter of years..

Earlier my maternal grandparents house used to bring only positive thoughts into my mind. I remember, as a child I used to always brim with enthusiasm to visit them. My grandfather worked as a chief engineer in Voltas and brought cakes and gifts every day he returned from his office. I would cling to his shoulders and he would take me for a ride outside. Me and my cousin would sit with him and trouble him every time he did Yoga, his concentration would brake and we broke into peals of laughter. The day we would arrive to his house, he would take us to the market to buy a list of food items my grandmother would need to make delicacies for us. Time flew with my nana 

But today everything has changed. His frail week shoulders cannot bear our pain and he has retired from his office. He lies down on the bed whole day and takes rest as he suffered from a heart stroke recently. My eyes become moist when I compare the present situation to the past.

The most lively and enthusiastic man I knew, is now frail and week. He is struggling to meet ends. And the least I can do for him is a warm hug! 
So we spent that evening listening to old songs and the memories attached to them. My nana is still the coolest person I know :)

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