Sunday 17 June 2012

I've let Go Of Everything

"When old shoes start to hurt,
Its time to get a new pair.The same goes for friends"- Nupur
I've been feeling happy lately. If you ask me the reason, I probably wouldn't be able to explain. There is nothing special going on in my life at the moment which would make me smile till my cheeks hurt, yet the grin has taken to my ears.

In retrospect I realize, this change is due to the choices i made in my near past. The people I chose to surround myself with infuse me with renewed energy and reveal a new facet of me. They fill the atmosphere around me with naive positivity and make me laugh till my stomach pains.

I may not be proud of the things I did in past or the person I was.I had experienced complete annihilation under the hands of truth.  But I'm happy with I am today. Life is not perfect, something falls apart at one point or the other. But atleast I'm happy and contended.

I simply let go of my old worn out shoes and got new ones. They are comfortable and make me feel better too :) And sometimes, this is the best way

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